The Coronavirus has had an enormous impact on people’s livelihood. Live performers, presenters, event managers and expert speakers have lost their jobs virtually overnight. Patrons have lost a vital entertainment and education channel. Spondo has the solution. Our technology is making it easier than ever before to live stream your performance, event, class or workshop directly from your phone to your audience. The current Coronavirus restrictions have wiped out live performances across Australia and the world. Performers and speakers who were booked for months in advance now face the prospect of having no work for an extended period. Audiences around the world have been forced to self-isolate. With no access to live venues, an integral part of the entertainment and education world has fallen silent.
Enter Spondo. Our platform enables you to connect with your audience using your laptop, tablet or mobile phone. You can stream with the highest quality vision and sound possible and your account is set up in minutes. There’s no limit on the number of viewers you can stream to. You set a Pay Per View price for your performance and generate income from every view.
Spondo’s user friendly video player can be embedded in your own website or a dedicated landing page. Your performance can be played back on demand for years to come, creating further revenue opportunities. Spondo can even take care of royalty payments for licensed music, saving you the laborious task of working it out for yourself.
If you’re new to live streaming, Spondo’s “how to” videos guide you through the entire process. We can have you back at work, connecting with your audience in no time.
It’s an easy three step process that takes no time at all.
1. Set up your account.
2. Download a piece of software.
3. Start streaming.